By Marco Gava. As featured on Anything TECH.

NASA’s biggest, most powerful telescope ever built was launched into space yesterday, as it aims to uncover secrets of the beginning of the universe, but what exactly does this mean and how will it manage to do so?

John Mather, who is the JWST’s senior project scientist said:

I’m hoping that it will tell us about the beginning of everything

One question that has fascinated and aroused the curiosity of humans for thousands of years is, how did the universe begin? How did we come to be? The lengths at which humans have gone to answer this question has led to different religions and cultures that has formed the basis of society today. Yet, up until now, the question still hasn’t definitively been answered.

With huge advances in science and knowledge, we could soon be coming closer to that answer that has stayed a mystery.

So, what could NASA’s biggest, most powerful telescope ever reveal and how will it work?

Well, first of all, what you’ve got to know is that the JWST is very large, sporting a mirror made out of 18 hexagonal segments of the lightweight element beryllium…



Marco Gava

I love sharing my thoughts and delivering news on the fascinating world of technology. I am also the writer and founder of Anything TECH (